Start early! All steps must be completed by April 5. We will not accept applications or supplemental materials after that date.
This step must be completed first, as the Parkland ID you'll receive once you submit your application is required to submit the myIllini Parkland Pathway to Illinois application in Step 3. After you've applied to Parkland, it will take 2 to 3 days for your Parkland ID to be generated. Be sure to plan ahead for this.
If you can't locate your Parkland admissions email with your Parkland ID, you can log in to Parkland Self-Service and click on "User Profile" to view your Parkland ID. If you have questions as you're applying, email Parkland or visit their admissions page.
Step 2. Only if Applying to the College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences (ACES) or Grainger College of Engineering
All students applying to the College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences (ACES) must complete the proctored mathematics assessement (ALEKS) and receive a minimum score of 30 in order to complete their Parkland Pathway to Illinois application by the April 5 deadline.
All students applying to the Grainger College of Engineering must complete the proctored mathematics assessment (ALEKS) and receive a minimum score of 76 in order to complete their Parkland Pathway to Illinois application by the April 5 deadline.
Parkland College offers the proctored mathematics assessment (ALEKS) at their Assessment Center Monday through Friday on a walk-in basis. All students must arrive by 2:30 p.m. and bring a photo ID to take the exam. If you're unable to take the ALEKS assessment at Parkland, you'll need to take a proctored exam at another location such as a community college or library in order to submit the score to complete your application. You'll receive more information once you've submitted your Parkland Pathway to Illinois application with the Grainger College of Engineering or ACES chosen as your academic program of interest.
You're required to upload a PDF of your ALEKS PPL assessment score report within the Parkland Pathway to Illinois application. The document must include your full name, the assessment date, the community college name, and your overall ALEKS PPL score, as well as show that your assessment attempt was proctored.
View our ALEKS assessment example for help formatting your document. Please email Parkland's Assessment Center or visit their Assessment Center page if you have questions.
The application is open March 5 to April 5. You'll be required to choose an academic college/school of interest, self-report high school courses and grades, and address the following essay prompts:
- In 200 words or less, describe how your academic interests relate to the College you are pursuing through the Parkland Pathway program. You can also discuss specific majors that may be of interest.
- In 200 words or less, describe how the Parkland Pathway to Illinois program aligns with your academic goals and why this unique dual-enrollment program is of interest to you.
If you have questions as you're applying, email