Following are our estimated expenses for 2025-2026. The exact amount you'll pay depends on your major, where you decide to live, the meal plan you choose, and your overall lifestyle. These estimates also don't account for financial aid.
Following are our estimated expenses for 2025-2026. The exact amount you'll pay depends on your major, where you decide to live, the meal plan you choose, and your overall lifestyle. These estimates also don't account for financial aid.
Total: $36,930-$42,310
Total: $57,622-$65,722
Total: $58,616-$68,966
Discover how to apply for financial aid and use our net price calculator to see your estimated costs after receiving aid. This estimate is based on full-time enrollment and doesn't include merit-based or outside scholarships.
Estimate your cost based on the major you're intending to pursue, or browse all program costs.
Our tuition guarantee program ensures you'll pay the same amount for tuition each year.